

Self-defense Training offer a number of benefits for people of all ages. You can take self-defense classes in gyms and community centers around the country. There are a variety of styles, moves and self-defense techniques, so do your research to find a style that fits you, and then find a qualified instructor in that style.

Self-defense Training teach you how to defend yourself in a variety of situations, according to the Prepare website. Knowing self-defense can help you feel less anxious in public. You will learn the basics of how to quickly disable an attacker so that you can escape, focusing on learning how to take advantage of time and space to make a quick getaway.


All self defense lessons dedicate a large amount of time to making students aware of their surroundings. This means noticing people or situations that might represent a threat and then moving away from the potential threat to a safer place. This is the first stage of any self defense technique and could can help prevent an attack happening.
Secondly how to deal with an attacker from simple techniques such as shouting at an attacker to techniques to help you end any attack as soon as possible. These include hand and elbow strikes, kicks to the vulnerable parts of the attacker's body and learning how to force your attacker to loosen there grip.

Third stage escape will focus on getting you out of the attack and reducing the possibility of a further attack.


Effectively anyone who would like to feel safer on city streets, from commuters travelling alone at night, and seniors and females who are prey to attack because of their size and perceived vulnerability by attackers.
The typical age range is between 30s and 50, with careers from receptionists to City brokers but seniors teenagers and kids can benefit too. What participants have in common is they don’t feel safe on the streets at night.

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